Australia Day 2025 was the 10th anniversary of Prime Minister Tony Abbottusing
the Australia Day’s honour list to award Prince Philip with a resurrected Australian knighthood.
Editorials of
newspapers across the country on 25 January 2015 slammed Prime Minister
Abbott’s bizarre decision to hand Prince Philip a Knighthood, an imperial bauble, labelling
the move “ludicrous” and “flabbergasting”.
On 27 March 2014, Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the former director of
Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy, had announced his intention to facilitate the return of
imperial honours for Australians.
At the time, the PM said he believed this was: “… an important grace note in our national life.”
Tony Abbott’s ‘Captain’s Pick’ of Prince Philip for an Australian
Knighthood on the day we should be celebrating Australia’s national
identity resulted in the people of Australia being dragged by our
elected leader into a cultural cringe so remarkable that it was almost
beyond comprehension.
Abbott’s ‘Captain’s Pick’ of Prince Philip was to
become a ‘Knightmare’ that has never been repeated since.
There’s no place for any Downton Abbey play acting in Australia. Aristocratic titles and imperial baubles have no place here. They belong over 9000 kms away on the other side of the world with the North and the Past.
Henry Lawson wrote true in his 1887 'A Song of the Republic':
Henry Lawson
Sons of the South, awake! arise!
Sons of the South, and do.
Banish from under your bonny skies
Those old-world errors and wrongs and lies.
Making a hell in a Paradise
That belongs to your sons and you.
Sons of the South, make choice between
(Sons of the South, choose true),
The Land of Morn and the Land of E'en,
The Old Dead Tree and the Young Tree Green,
The Land that belongs to the lord and the Queen,
And the Land that belongs to you.
Sons of the South, your time will come —
Sons of the South, 'tis near —
The "Signs of the Times", in their language dumb,
Foretell it, and ominous whispers hum
Like sullen sounds of a distant drum,
In the ominous atmosphere.
Sons of the South, aroused at last!
Sons of the South are few!
But your ranks grow longer and deeper fast,
And ye shall swell to an army vast,
And free from the wrongs of the North and Past
The land that belongs to you.
Thankfully, for the past 10 years, it has been Goodnight to knights and dames.
So, KCIII has finally turned up. King
Charles III has finally undertaken the Australian leg of his victory lap of the
Commonwealth. Surely, it’s time for an Australian head of state to be not
only one of us but also resident and present.
It’s been over two years since the then Prince Charles stepped
into the top job. This all changes between 18th and 26th October
2024 and
marks the first time Australians have had a
royal audience with their own king.
After over ten years, four
governors-general and two monarchs, a sitting Australian Head of State is
headed Down Under!
Our absentee King’s
17,000km journey from the other side of the world will see Charles and his
wife, Queen Camilla grace us with the presence
of the British monarch on Australian soil for the first time as our Head of
State (although the grace will be presented only in Sydney and Canberra).
Monday, King Charles III will be greeted in Canberra by the prime minister, but
not a single state leader who have all declined their invitations,
citing “other commitments” ranging from election campaigns to cabinet meetings.
was less than two weeks ago that Queensland had its second King’s Birthday
Public Holiday, even though KCIII’s
actual birthday is 19 November. Queenslanders took the day off work; not in recognition of their hard
work, but to recognise the British Monarch who will most likely be sleeping
through our public holiday.
The King’s Birthday Public Holiday doesn’t remind us
of anything good about our country. At worst, it tells us Australia’s head of
state gets the job by inheritance.
You would’ve thought it would have been better if the
British monarch had turned up for his own birthday weekend? I suppose though it
would have been awkward: public holiday in Queensland only at this time of year
(with WA a week before) and Queensland not even on the visiting schedule. Oops.
The lack of any public activity around the King’s
Birthday Public Holiday shows also how the concept of monarchy is out-of-step
with contemporary Australia.
Since his birth as Prince Charles,
KCIII has known he would take over the top job. Then one morning in 2022,
Australians simply woke up to hear news from Britain that has changed our
country for decades to come.
Australians did not choose King
Charles III as our Head of State. It is a disgraceful fact that without
constitutional change, the citizens of Australia will never be consulted on our
head of state.
time for an Australian to be our head of state and do the job full-time, rather
than working from home at Windsor Castle where they can’t even be bothered
Zooming into the Australian office at least once a week.
We are a unique multicultural country and we need someone who understands
how to embody us, to be the guardian of our Constitution,
to be a unifying symbol at home and someone we are proud to see representing us
abroad. They should be elected on merit, not gifted the position by birthright.
They should have the skills and work experience to do the job.
The person should be one of us, responsible and accountable to us, and
unwaveringly loyal to us and only us.
We have our own identity as Australians. The Royals represent Britain, but
cannot represent us or unite us as Australians. Australians believe in freedom
and equal opportunity, not that some are born to rule over others.
We come from all walks of life, from all corners of the globe and this
ancient land. Our shared commitment to our common future is what binds us
together. Standing against this is the elevation of Charles III.
We can have respect and affection for Britain and its celebrity
royals but still question why we do not have our own head of state. The
royals are welcome to visit as representatives of Britain, but I look forward
to when the British people and their royal family will welcome a visit by the
first Australian head of state.
So to our King, we say g’day and we praise his DNA, his ever-loyal
subjects across the sea.
We might have golden soil and a bit of wealth for toil, but us Aussies
are still girt by monarchy.
For us in Australia, royalty only ever visits us from somewhere else, from
across the seas. It’s not something that lives with us. Royalty comes and
royalty goes, but it is never a part of us.
Yesterday was Independent Australia's 14th birthday. The anniversary of the establishment of IA on
24 June 2010 comes a few days after the winter solstice, a time of
reflection at a quiet time of the year. However, 14 years ago the birth
of Independent Australia certainly didn’t happen during a time of
political quiet.
At the same time Rudd was being deposed, Independent Australia emerged as an independent Australian voice.
As such, it is a relief that in a volatile and changing online media landscape, Independent Australia has not only managed to stay afloat but has become a strong alternate voice to the mainstream media.
Australia has a long tradition of independent, republican journalism. This tradition was first established in newspapers such as the People’s Advocate and the Empire of the 1840s and 1850s, and supported by The Age in the 1870s and 1880s.
Coincidentally, the first edition of the Australian Republican was published on 21 June 1890 — 125 years, almost to the day, before Independent Australia.
But there is still a great deal more to document. Australia’s
republican past has a rich and deep seam. It is important to remember
that our future is inextricably linked to our shared past.
It has been a long time since Australia has had such a strong
republican voice. Australia’s republican voice has been lost for a long
There have certainly been many writers, artists, academics, and
politicians who have actively advocated for an Australian republic over
the past century — however, they have not had a home where they can all
shelter under the same roof.
IAhas become that space — a republican
space, a republican civic space where republicans and others can debate
the issues that are important to our political and civic future.
Thanks to David Donovan and all the contributors to IA, the republican tribe can look around and see who they are.
So, Happy Birthday Independent Australia and here’s to a long, independent life — and remember, every tribe needs a home.
November is
always a time of remembering. It is when you reflect upon the year, do annual
reviews, weigh up what’s been achieved and what hasn’t, and set targets and
goals for the coming year. However, it is a time for remembering much larger
events as well.
Day has set the tone for November as a time to reflect and remember each
year on 11 November since 1919, the Armistice of the Great War.
First World War was in its time the mostdestructive conflict yet experienced by humanity.When it began in August 1914, few imagined thecourse that it would take, or foresaw its terrible toll.From a population of just under 5 million, morethan 400,000 Australians enlisted in the AustralianImperial Force – the AIF, the force that Australia
sentto the war – and more than 330,000 served
overseas.For most this meant Gallipoli, the
Middle East orthe war’s main theatre: the
Western Front in Franceand Belgium.
than 60,000 Australians lost their lives, adevastating toll for a small country. Yet they werea relative few. Around the world some 10 millionmilitary personnel died in what was then called theGreat War.
and communities everywhere were affectedby the enormous loss. When an armistice endedthe fighting on 11 November 1918, celebrations inthe victorious nations were tempered by grief andsorrow.
In Britain and the
countries of her empire, the day’sanniversary became known as Armistice Day. In1919 and in every year since at 11 am on 11 November,people have paused to remember the dead.So great had been the loss of life, so devastatinghad been the destruction, that people hoped,even imagined, that the Great War would be the lastwar, ‘the war to end war’. But it was not to be.
Two decades after the
First World War ended, theworld was plunged into a second global conflict.No longer could Armistice Day remain a day onlyto remember the dead of the First World War. Afterthe Second World War ended in 1945, 11 Novemberbecame known as Remembrance Day.The day’s sombre associations have never changed.When we pause at 11 am on 11 November, we reflecton the price that Australia and countries around theworld have paid through more than a century of warand conflict that followed the First World War.
When we pause at 11 am on 11 November each year, we reflect on the price
that Australia and countries around the world have paid through more than a
century of war and conflict that followed the First World War.
'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.'
However, there were annual events before the establishment of Remembrance
Day that tapped into this reflective time of year.
The Feast of Saints is held at the beginning of November and is now widely
observed across the world to remember those recognised as today’s saints —
known or unknown, mighty or lowly.
is followed on 2 November by All Souls’ Day, an official
holiday in the Catholic ecclesiastical
Also known as
The Commemoration of all The Faithful Departed and the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day
is generally a day of remembrance when prayers are said for the souls of
those who have passed on. Around the world, All Souls’ Day often involves
visiting cemeteries where loved ones are buried and tending to their graves.
Attending a mass or church service, praying and eating particular foods are all
part of these observations.
This is followed on 5 November with Guy
Fawkes Night, which remembers the survival of James
I from Guy Fawkes’ assassination plot when he attempted to blow up
the House of Lords in 1605.
Many will know this English folk verse, circa 1870:
Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!
In an earlier Australia, we held "bonfire night", or cracker
night, to mark the anniversary of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot.
# # #
is also Australia’s ‘republic season’. I have written before about how
November is a time of year full of republican symbolism, as well asAustralian
republic-remembering. It is a time when Australian Republic Movement has
always elected its national leaders since the foundation of the movement in
It was a year ago that human rights and anti-racism
activist, former Socceroo Craig Foster
AM and Nova
Peris, Aboriginal Australian athlete and former Senator, were
elected co-National
Chairs to lead the Australian Republic Movement after the resignation of Peter
FitzSimons, one of our foremost writers of Australian
history who has captured pivotal moments that have shaped our national
Peter FitzSimons joined
a line of impressive ARM leaders. The founding chairman of ARM
(1991-1993) was author Tom Keneally. Following,
were: Prime Minister Malcolm
(1993-2000); barrister Greg
(2000-2002); Professor
John Warhurst
(2002-2005); businessman and future federal politician Ted
(2005 to 2007); Major-General
Mike Keating
(2007 to 2012); former Premier of Western Australia Geoff Gallop (2012-2015), author
and journalist Peter
and finally, Craig Foster and Nova Peris (2022-).
In Australia, the
November republic season includes the anniversary of the 6 November 1999
Australian republic referendum, the 3 November 1997 anniversary of
the voluntary postal election for the 1998 Constitutional Convention, as well
as the anniversary of former Prime Minister Gough
Dismissal on 11 November
1975 by Governor-General of the day John
The Dismissal of Whitlam in 1975 arguably remains the most dramatic
event in
Australia’s political history and began the modern republic movement.
Recently there have been claims the British monarch was involved in Australia’s 1975 constitutional crisis. Important Book 'The Palace
Letters: The Queen, the Governor-General and the plot to
dismiss Gough Whitlam' is the
ground-breaking result of historian Professor Jenny Hocking’s fight to expose secret letters between the Queen and Australian
Governor-General John Kerr during the Dismissal of Gough Whitlam.
In this gripping and true court drama, Professor Jenny
Hocking describes her years-long legal battle to uncover letters between Queen
Elizabeth II and Sir John Kerr in which the two discussed the 1975
Dismissal of the Whitlam Government. Hocking also provides a piercing
analysis of both the extreme efforts made to stop her and what the letters
themselves revealed. The Palace Letters show it is absurd how an
Australian governor-general reports to Buckingham Palace in a manner not much
different from that of a 19th-century colonial governor. Australia’s head of
state should be one of us.
# #
In early November 2015, the first significant policy change for the new
Turnbull Government was to call it a ‘knight’ on titles. The formal removal by
then-Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of one of previous Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s most unpopular ‘captain’s picks’, resolved a national embarrassment.
Turnbull confirmed there would be no more anachronistic Australian knights and
dames. Australia’s ‘knightmare’ was finally over. In abolishing the titles of
knight and dame from the Order
of Australia awards, Turnbull helped the growth of the movement for an
Australian republic.
Early November also sees the anniversaries of the 2014 memorial for Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (1971-1975),
as well as the 12 November eulogy delivered for Professor George Winterton.
Winterton was a first-rank constitutional scholar and pioneer of the modern
republic debate. He spent most of his career at the University of New South
Wales, was a prominent republic scholar and writer, a member of the Republic
Advisory Committee in the mid-1990s and a key delegate to the 1998 Constitutional Convention that crafted the minimalist
republic model rejected in the 1999 Australian republic referendum.
More than anyone else, he produced the model that went to the people in
that referendum.
On 6 November 1999, the then
national chairperson of the Australian Republic Movement, Malcolm Turnbull
pinned the 1999 referendum’s defeat squarely on the Prime Minister, John Howard, when he said:
“History will remember him for one
thing. He was the Prime Minister who broke the nation’s heart.”
This latest royal visit is a bookend also to the first royal visit, which
occurred over five hot months from 1867 to 1868. This was undertaken by Queen
Victoria’s second son Prince Alfred, a Royal Navy captain on a
round-the-world voyage on board the HMS Galatea. Stops were made at
Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. He first landed at Glenelg, in South
Australia, on 31 October 1868. As the first member of the British royal family
to visit the Australian colonies, he was received with much enthusiasm. During
his stay of nearly five months, Alfred visited Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney,
Brisbane and Tasmania.
At a meeting on 20 January 1868 to elect three trustees from the subscribers
to the fund for the erection of the first Grammar
School in Brisbane, there was a discussion on the probability of Prince
Alfred who was about to visit the colony to lay the foundation stone.
'... as almost a necessary consequence, the school would be in some
way connected with his Royal Highness by name. As, however, the number of
institutions which either now did or promised to bear the name of Prince Alfred,
or Duke of Edinburgh, in the other colonies, had become almost beyond all
count, he would suggest that they had better confine themselves out here to
some such name as the ‘Prince’s School’, or ‘Queen’s School … [another] said he
believed according to the Grammar Schools Act they were bound to call the
school the "Brisbane Grammar School".'
During his visit to Brisbane, Prince Alfred laid the Brisbane Grammar School Foundation Stone on
29 February 1868, however the people of Brisbane r efused to yield to the
pressure around all the colonies to name all institutions after the visiting
royal. Instead of naming the school after him, the event was commemorated in the present School with his
coat-of-arms included in the northern stained glass window of the Great Hall.
The fact that he wasn’t liked much helped the burghers of Brisbane maintain
their ‘republican’ stance.
November 2023 there doesn’t appear to be any Royal visits on the horizon. We
certainly seem to be being taken for granted. King Charles III appears to still
be avoiding a victory lap of the
Australians need a head of state of their own — someone who can lead
the dignified part of their national life away from the day-to-day screaming
match of Federal Parliament and Question Time.
So, remember, remember, Australia’s republican November!
Today is the first time Queenslanders
have had a public holiday to celebrate the birthday of King Charles III and yet
there has been no victory lap yet of the Commonwealth. This show the growing distance between the
British monarch and the people of Australia.
took the day off work today; not in recognition of their hard work, but to
recognise the British Monarch who will most likely be sleeping through the
public holiday.
The first
King’s Birthday public holiday in Queensland, which now commemorates King Charles III’s birthday on 19
November, is another demonstration of our denial of choice. Since his birth,
Prince Charles has known he would take over the top job. Then one morning last
year, Australians simply woke up to hear news from Britain that has changed our
country for decades to come. Australians did not choose King Charles III as our
Head of State. It is a disgraceful fact that without constitutional
change, the citizens of Australia will never be consulted on our head of state.
Australian love
their public holidays, even if the reason for the occasion is a little vague.
For goodness sake we even have a public holiday in Melbourne
for a horse race and in Brisbane for an agricultural
Nevertheless, the purpose of the King’s Birthday public holiday is the vaguest
of them all. The King’s Birthday
public holiday doesn’t
remind us of anything good about our country. At worst, it tells us Australia’s
head of state gets the job by inheritance. The lack of any public activity
around the King’s Birthday public holiday shows how the concept of monarchy is
out-of-step with contemporary Australia.
It’s time for an Australian to be our Head of State to be not only
one of us but also willing to turn up.
In fact, since
King Charles III became Australian Head of State he is yet to graceany of the Commonwealth nations which still call him their King with his presence.
“King Charles III is King of
Australia by birthright and he has held that lofty position for over a year
now, yet our King hasn’t made the trip to visit us. In fact, he hasn’t been to
any of the Commonwealth nations which still call him their King and Head of
State. He’s visited Germany, Romania and, within the last few days, he sipped
champagne in France, but he hasn’t found time for us.
Prior to becoming our King,
then Prince Charles, only visited Australia 16 times. He’s fast approaching his
75th birthday. He’s had decades to travel down under to get an idea of who we
are as a people and to truly understand who we are a nation. He’s only managed around
one visit every five years. Some of these were extended visits, such as his
days at Geelong Grammar on exchange as a schoolboy, while others like the last
visit in 2018 were for only a few days – yet we still call him King of
It beggars the question, does
the monarchy take us for granted?
It’s time for an Australian to
be our Head of State and do the job full-time, rather than working from home at
Windsor Castle where they can’t even be bothered Zooming into the office at
least once a week.
We are a unique multicultural
country and we need someone who understands how to embody us, to be the
guardian of our Constitution, to be a unifying symbol at
home and someone we are proud to see representing us abroad. They should be
elected on merit, not gifted the position by birthright. They should have the
skills and work experience to do the job. The person should be one of us,
responsible and accountable to us, and unwaveringly loyal to us and only us.
And, they should be willing to
turn up.
In Britain, the King’s Birthday is
celebrated on the first Saturday in June. In New Zealand, it’s the first Monday
in June and in Canada, it’s in the middle of May. The Canadian celebration is called “Victoria Day” because it
was created to honour Queen Victoria. However, over
the years the Canadian holiday has
changed to
include the reigning sovereign’s birthday as well.
in the depths of winter and they decided they couldn't celebrate his birthday
in the winter every year because there's all sorts of pageantry.”
George decided he'd have a second birthday and the idea stuck.
who's been King or Queen of England since has a summer birthday, so that we
have a hope of some sunshine.”
Since 1748, the
British monarch's official birthday has been marked by the parade known as Trooping the
Colour —
usually held on the king or queen's actual birthday. But Edward VII, who reigned
from 1901 to 1910, was born in November. Yet he celebrated his birthday
officially in May or June because there was less chance of it being cold and
drizzly during the outdoor event.
The British
monarch’s official birthday celebrations (as opposed to the actual birth date)
began in Australia in 1912. The monarch after Edward VII – King George V
– helpfully had a birthday on 3 June. Queen Elizabeth II’s father, George VI, whose
birthday was unhelpfully in December, reintroduced the tradition of an official
birthday by having his official birthday on the second Thursday of June.
Elizabeth II continued with this tradition. However, in 1959, after several
years on the throne, she changed it to the second Saturday in June for
And yet it has
always seemed absurd that Australians acknowledged the birthday of former Queen
Elizabeth II at a completely different time to her actual birthday, and at
different times in different states. Around
Australia in 2023, the King’s Birthday public holiday continues the tradition
set by the Windsor line holding the official birthday in Australia on the
second Monday in June — except in WA on Monday 25 September and in Queensland
on Monday 2 October.
We have our own
identity as Australians. The Royals represent Britain, but cannot represent us
or unite us as Australians. Australians believe in freedom and equal
opportunity, not that some are born to rule over others.
We come from
all walks of life, from all corners of the globe and this ancient land. Our
shared commitment to our common future is what binds us together. Standing
against this is the elevation of Charles III.
We can have
respect and affection for Britain and its celebrity royals but still
question why we do not have our own Head of State. The royals are welcome to
visit as representatives of Britain, but I look forward to when the British
people and their royal family will welcome a visit by the first Australian head
of state.
In the words of Sammy J,
So to our King, we say g’day, and we praise his DNA,his
ever loyal subjects across the sea.
We might have golden soil and a bit of wealth for toil, but us Aussies
are still girt by monarchy.
September 1 marks 35th anniversary of Golden
Wattle as Australia’s national floral emblem, as well as the 30th
anniversary of the Australian Republic Movement giving its support to National
Wattle Day celebrations throughout Australia.
The first day of September has many names. Some welcome it
as spring’s dawn, a time to celebrate nature’s renewal. For others, it is National Wattle Day — a time when the smells of spring are in the air as
well as Australia's vivid gold blossom,
In 2023 we mark the 35th anniversary of the
proclamation of golden wattle as Australia’s national floral emblem.
In Australia, the wattle is the largest genus
of flowering plants. In Australia, you could plant two or three different
wattles for every day of the year and still have plenty left over, for
Australia has more acacia species than the year has days. These acacias are
extremely diverse and found in habitats from rainforest to arid lands.
A sprig of Australia's national floral emblem, the golden
wattle – Acacia pycnantha – is traditionally worn on the first day of
spring. The green and gold of wattle leaves and blossoms were declared our national colours in 1984; in
1988, the wattle was adopted as the official national
and National Wattle Day was formally declared as an official National Day on 1 September 1992.
Australians may have made a home for themselves among the
gum trees, but it is the wattle tree that has found its way into Australian
republican symbolism. In 1993, the Australian Republic Movement gave its support to
Wattle Day celebrations being held throughout Australia on 1 September. Wattle
captures something crucial to the success of the republic — feeling for
country. It is a unifying symbol.
Wattle Day has been celebrated annually on the first day of
spring since 1910. Over
the next few years there was a push to extend Wattle Day celebrations across
the country. However,
the first known use of wattle as a meaningful emblem in the Australian colonies
was in Hobart Town in 1838, when a resident suggested wearing a sprig of wattle
to celebrate the golden jubilee of the landing at Sydney Cove. In this
seemingly small gesture lay a suggestion of an independent Australia.
Wattle is a broad and inclusive symbol of an egalitarian,
classless, free citizenry. It grows in all parts of Australia, differing
varieties flowering throughout the year. This democracy of wattles – the fact
that they grow in all states – was the overpowering reason why the wattle and
not the waratah was chosen as the floral emblem in the early 20th Century.
Wattle celebrations first arose as occasions when earlier
generations of Australians stood up and said: “I am from this land.
This place is home.”
It is a symbol that comes directly from our land. Wattle is
Australian and represents us all. Like the Southern Cross, the appeal of wattle
is not first and foremost to the idea of nation — but to the idea of place.
Wattle branches have been on Australia’s coat of arms since
1912 and golden wattle is Australia’s national floral emblem. Australian athletes
wear wattle-inspired green and gold uniforms and those honoured with an Order of Australia receive awards with
an insignia designed around the wattle flower. At citizenship ceremonies, wattle is worn
to signify new beginnings.
pioneers and World War I diggers were buried with a customary sprig of wattle.
During the First World War, wattle sprigs and badges were sold to raise money
for the war effort and organisations such as the Red Cross. Later, wattle was
worn to commemorate Australians who lost their lives while serving overseas.
By the Second
World War wattle was no longer being widely used as a symbol of Australia and
Wattle Day all but disappeared. Calls to make wattle a national floral emblem
didn’t re-enter the national consciousness until the 1980s.
Then Governor-General Sir William Deane took wattle blossoms
to Switzerland to commemorate young Australians who died there. Prime Minister John Howard also wore sprigs of
wattle at ceremonies after the Bali bombings.
“...wattle has journeyed with us in
kitbags, pockets and letters to places that become synonymous with our shared
story; be they Gallipoli, Kokoda or Swiss canyons."
We could
link National Wattle Day, with Australia Day as joint days on which we
celebrate Australia, this land, its waters and environment, its people and our
nation. National Wattle Day would not compete with Australia Day, rather it
would complete Australia Day. It would do what Wattle has always done — unite
we could also see its blossoms as a metaphor for the land waving its flag to
remind us to care properly for it. It is precisely wattle’s long presence in
and deep association with the land that sets it apart as a national symbol and
endows it with added meaning.
Wattle touches all levels of society.
Let’s all take a moment this National Wattle Day and reflect
on the wattle flower which symbolises an egalitarian, classless, free
So, when the blaze of wattle lights up the Australian
landscape each year, let’s all remember that the wattle is a symbol of our land
that unites us all.